Location Research


My chosen location has been carefully selected. I thought about a number of factors when deciding the location such as accessibility and population factors (an area that lots of people will come to). Firstly my location was decided through the audience when I analyzed my questionnaire. The most popular answer was a dark forest. I needed to find an woodland area which was suitable to film in. The location I’ve chosen is close by and easily accessible for me and the actors to get to. Its a remote area so people can’t randomly stroll in and ruin a shot and we won’t be disturbed my road noise. As you can see from the picture below the area is a condensed woodland which means when inside it is quiet dark, this is ideal for filming as It will be dark but not too dark that the audience watching won’t be able to see what is happening. This is a classic convention of horrors. This is a top shot view of my location.

Picture 1

Once in the forest I will use the scenery to aid my cinematography. Putting myself high up in a tree, i can use a high angle shot on my characters below which tells the audience that they’re isolated and unprepared. The image below is from the horror ‘House at the end of the street’. The camera is behind the branches which creates a effect of being hidden, it draws the audience to characters on screen yet still being visually aware that they’re enclosed in a forest.

Picture 1

The picture below shows the forest from a little distance the pictures shows the how secluded the forest is. A establishing shot from this distance would set the genre and mood to the audience. It also show the darkness within the forest, this is a key convention of a horror.


The final picture is a small entrance into the forest which would an ideal place for the two characters to enter. It would also be a good area to zoom in on. It would create the effect of being followed closer and foreshadow the closing danger on the characters.
