
Words of Wisdom

As I’ve stated before, I gained inspiration from a previous opening sequence called ‘Checkmate’. It was the scene where the camera showed a variety of movements on a newspaper to show the male character had died. I decided to do some background information and message the girl who created the opening sequence, to discover how she created that effect and what software she used. This was our conversation. Although I do not have the software she used, what she said was useful; I will spend time experimenting with camera movements on final cut and with the actual camera. Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 19.16.43

Editing session 3

In today’s session I corrected small errors such as making sure the clips were fully attached to one another and editing the length of the titles. Before my titles were too short but now I’ve made them 4 seconds. The title lengths might need to be changed again, once I’ve re-filmed and added those shots to the sequence, the title length may need to be 3 seconds.

I noticed a spelling mistake in one of my titles, so I’ve checked all other titles to ensure I’ve made no other silly mistakes and corrected the spelling of  the one title.

Below is the font of my new titles. Before (as spoke about in editing session 1) that the font was too much. I decided on a new font and this is how it looks on the black background in my opening sequence. I wanted a black background as its contrasting and conventional of a horror.

Its also conventional for a horror to have the titles out of the action and break up the shots to create an almost distorted effect. In the picture below there is a shot either side of the the title. I want this effect up till the characters enter the forest.

The order of titles is important for an opening sequence. I’ve decided to edit them in a certain order:

  • A freaky films production
  • In  association with treetop productions
  • Directed By Emily Morter
  • Siobhan Fitzsimon
  • Joshua Shutler
  • Zia Potgiter
  • Music by Bottleneck1
  • Within – name of title.

I feel this in an appropriate order for my titles and if need be I’ll add an extra title of “make up by” if I need to increase the time of my opening sequence.

Picture 5

Editing length of titles.

In my next session I’ll focus on:

  • Adding the rest of the shots to the opening sequence.
  • Adding sound effects to the ending title.